Man använder alltid do när man pratar med You, we, they och I.
Man använder alltid does när man pratar med He, she och it.
Gjord på annat dock.
- Do you like ice cream?
- Does John like coffee?
- Does your dad cook often?
- Do you eat pizza and hamburger often?
- What do you eat to breakfast every morning?
- What does Susan eat to lunch in school?
- Does you often drink tea?
- Does you brother like spagetti?
- Do you want milk in you coffee?
- How many sugar cubes do you want?
Did everyone come?
What did they eat?
What did they drink?
Did everyone dance?
When did they go home?
How much did the party cost?
josh- Did, go
josh- Do, did
josh- did, go
josh- did, come
josh- did, do
josh- did, find
josh- did, say
josh- did, got
josh- did, say
- When did you get up at saturday morning?
- At half past eleven.
- Why did you go to bed so late?
- I stayed up watching some stupid film om TV.
- What did you eat for breakfast?
- I had some milk and cornflakes.
- What did you do then?
- I went to see my grandmother.
- How did you get there?
- I took a bus.
- Why did you visit your grandmother?
- I always go shopping for her on Saturdays.
- What did you buy this time?
- i Bought her favorite tea and some milk and bread.
- Did you do something else?
- I Washed her kitchen floor.
- did you stay a long time?
- Yes. We had tea and a long talk. She is quite fun, actually.
- When did you say goodbye to her?
- It must have been around six.
- Got you good food when you come home?
- It was ok. I Helped Mum fix it.
- did you think you have a great day?
- No, not really. I'd much rather have been in London!